Wednesday, November 1, 2023
3:30-5:00 pm Registration
6:30-8:00 pm Welcome Reception
Thursday, November 2, 2023
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast and Registration EXHIBITS OPEN
8:30-8:45 am Welcome-Dr Dan Ward, Meeting Chair
8:45-10:15 am Irwin Smigel Keynote Speakers
Adamo Notarantonio DDS, Amanda Seay DDS Irwin Smigel Keynote Speakers "Create and Capture" Part 1
10:15-10:45 am Break EXHIBITS OPEN
10:45am-12:15 pm Adamo Notarantonio DDS, Amanda Seay DDS Irwin Smigel Keynote Speakers "Create and Capture" Part 2
12:15-2:00 pm Lunch & Learn EXHIBITS OPEN
2:00-5:00 pm Hands-On Workshops (Pre-Registration Required)
(R-1) Howard S Glazer DDS "I Have It.. You Need It"
(R-2) Brandon Kofford DDS "Smart Denture Conversions"
(R-3) Marcos Vargos DDS MS "Excellence in Anterior Direct Resin Composites"
7:00-9:30pm Honors Buffet Reception, ABAD Induction Ceremony
Friday, November 3, 2023
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast and Registration EXHIBITS OPEN
8:30-10:00 am Matt Roberts CDT, Michael Roberts "Digital Aesthetics: The Impact of Digital Design on Aesthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry Century Dentistry"
10: 00-10:30 am Break-EXHIBITS OPEN
10:30am-Noon Frank Celenza DDS "Ortho/Perio in the Aligner Age"
Noon-2:00 pm Lunch EXHIBITS OPEN
1:00-6:00 pm Golf Tournament (Pre-Registration Required)
2:00-5:00 pm Hands-On Workshops (Pre-Registration Required)
(F-1) John Comisi DDS " Using Bioactive Materials to Achieve Proactive Dental Care"
(F-2) George Freedman DDS "3D Printing: The Future is Here and Will Change Your Practice!"
Fay Goldstep DDS "The Oral/Systemic Link Demystified: Tell your Mom you are a Real Doctor!"
Saturday, November 4, 2023
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast and Registration EXHIBITS OPEN
8:30-10:00 am Oliver Pin-Harry DDS MS "Integrating Digital Workflows from Single Tooth to Full Mouth Reconstructions: 2023 Perspective"
10:00-10:30 am Break EXHIBITS OPEN
10:30am-Noon Rob Ritter DMD "Digitized Conversion: A Journey into the Future of Presence and Acceptance
Noon-2:00 pm EXHIBITS OPEN
2:00-5:00 pm Hands-On Workshop (Pre-Registration Required)
(S-1) Michael Gelb DDS MS "Airway Centric® Workflow"
(S-2) Marcos Vargos DDS MS "Excellence in Posterior Direct Resin Composites"
6:30-7:15pm Reception
7:00pm Commemorative Group Portrait (Accredited Members and Fellows)
7:15-10:30 pm Directors Dinner Dance and Induction Ceremony for New Members and Fellows